Help Us With A New Product
Depression • Infant Loss • Grief • Battling Cancer • Waiting for Adoption
We've been dreaming up these new sets of cards for a few years now, but were unsure for quite a while of how we wanted to design them. Our desire is to present these cards in a way that offers true encouragement for the one who is walking down a difficult path. In the Spring of 2020, we had the idea to include words on the new cards from those who have also had a similar journey. We want the Lord to use your personal struggles for His glory. We would love for the pain that you've walked through to be used for good in encouraging others.
We need your help! In the box below, please fill out your information and select the topic you would like to write for. Imagine you are talking to a friend who is navigating through that same road that you've been on. What would you say to them? How would you point them to the Lord's faithfulness? What words encouraged you in that time? Please leave them below and try to aim for 2-4 sentences. If your encouragement is chosen to be a part of any set of cards, we will email to let you know and also send you a set of the cards once finished.
If you have a struggle that is not listed in the box below, please select Other and make sure to include what the topic is in the box. We may use at a future date!